(2024) XXIX AIDI Summer School-Francesco Turco
“Blue, Resilient & Sustainable Supply Chain: the Role of Industrial Plants in Procurement, Production and Distribution”
The Summer School “Francesco Turco” promotes interaction and cooperation among researchers coming from different universities and enhances the sense of belonging to the scientific sector SSD ING-IND/17 (Industrial Systems Engineering).
The XXVIII Summer School “Francesco Turco” was held from September 6th to the 8th 2023 in Genoa at the Nave Italia location.
As the industrial, economic, and social worlds progress towards a higher level of technology pervasiveness, new competencies, skills, and mindsets are required for both academics and practitioners. The main theme of this edition is “Blue, Resilient & Sustainable Supply Chain: the Role of Industrial Plants in Procurement, Production and Distribution”.
As usual, the Summer School’s program included:
- scientific sessions where researchers can present their scientific work, and discussant can provide their constructive feedback;
- training and team-building sessions, allowing for a better exchange among the participants;
- a social programme, encompassing both leisure activities and opportunities for discussion among participants and with industrial managers.
Authors from industry, universities and research centers and laboratories have been invited to present scientific papers dealing with topics related to industrial and systems engineering. In particular, topics of interest included:
- Business process Reengineering in Public and Private Sectors
- Operations management in Public Administration, Healthcare and Defense
- Analysis and sustainable design for services and production systems
- Asset management, and facility management for Public and Industrial sectors
- Industrial logistics, production and supply chain management
- Automation and digital transformation
- Education and systems engineering
- Uncertainty and risk management in system engineering
- Business processes and technologies study and design
- Manufacturing systems ergonomics and safety
- Strategic decision-making and planning
- Data analysis, marketing and consumers behaviour models
All submissions were double-blind reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance, and clarity. Accepted scientific contributions were presented and discussed as oral presentations.
The papers accepted and presented at the School contributions will be published in the Summer School Web Proceedings (ISSN 2283-8996). The Proceedings are indexed in Scopus.
Below you can find the list of papers and the PDF documents corresponding to each paper Please use Paper ID
Chairman: Prof. Francesco Costantino
Chairman: Prof. Massimiliano Schiraldi
Chairman: Prof. Marcello Fera
Chairman: Prof. Fabio Fruggiero
Chairman: Prof. Raffaele Iannone
Chairman: Prof. Salvatore Miranda
Chairman: Prof. Elia Balugani
Chairman: Prof. Giulio Mangano
Paper ID | Title | Authors |
1106 | Performance Maps for Distribution Network Configuration: Multidimensional Analysis with the Buckingham Theorem | Cantini A. | Ferraro S. | De Carlo F. | Tucci M. | Leoni L. |
1112 | Uncovering blockchain technology potential to develop Resilient-Sustainable Supply Chains (RSSC) – A Systematic Literature Review | Hameem Bin Hameed | Alessandro Creazza |
1122 | How Lean Marketing can improve the integration with the Supply Chain | Simone Franceschetto | Roberto Cigolini | Lucio Lamberti |
1125 | Assessing the operational performance of an automated distribution center in food and beverage industry | Vincenzo Abitabile | Clarissa Amico | Roberto Cigolini |
1177 | Towards Intelligent Supply Chain Automation | Giovanni Miragliotta | Nizar Abdelkafi | Nataliia Roskladka |
1232 | Intelligent Mediator for Supply Chain Coordination: Overcoming Information Asymmetry | Emma Salatiello | Andrea Grassi | Silvestro Vespoli |
Chairman: Prof. Valentina Di Pasquale
Paper ID | Title | Authors |
1123 | Integrating knowledge management in smart mobility: lessons from the Green SCENT EU horizon program | Andrea Tomassi | Andrea Falegnami | Elpidio Romano |
1165 | Stakeholder Engagement case: the Green Casting Life project | Gianluca Fratta | Davide Favoriti | Stefano Saetta |
1166 | A Big Data analytics and Artificial Intelligence framework to enhance industrial sustainability | Mattia Braggio | Federico Briatore |
1171 | Blockchain-Based Carbon Emissions Tracking in Supply Chains: A Smart Contract Solution for Scope 3 Reporting | Alessandro Neri | Maria Angela Butturi | Francesco Bonini | Francesco Lolli | Rita Gamberini |
1184 | Green logistics practices in the food sector: a framework | Giulia Galli | Chiara Siragusa | Marco Melacini | Alessandro Perego | Angela Tumino |
Chairman: Prof. Claudio Sassanelli
Paper ID | Title | Authors |
1109 | A Bibliometric Analysis on Recycling of Wood Waste as Innovative Sustainable Industrial Products | Leone R. |Giallanza A. | La Fata C.M. | Micale R. | La Scalia G. |
1121 | Mapping formative and training opportunities to enhance Circular Economy skills: a market analysis | Alessia Boscarato | Federica Acerbi | Claudio Sassanelli | Sergio Terzi |
1141 | Remanufacturing Data Space – a vision to favour circularity | Pasquale Manco | Mario Caterino | Marta Rinaldi | Marcello Fera | Salvatore Miranda | Roberto Macchiaroli |
1193 | Serious game on bio-based construction materials: design, development and testing | Roberta Salierno | Margherita E. P. Pero | Monica Rossi | Ingrid M. Paoletti |
1248 | Advancing Circular Economy Practices: A Literature Review of Micro-Level Indicators and Recovery Strategies | Ferraro S. | De Carlo F. | Tucci M. | Cantini A. | Leoni L. |
Chairman: Prof. Rosa Micale
Paper ID | Title | Authors |
1116 | Enlightening S&OP projects through the lens of contingency theory | Quaglieri F. | Cigolini R. |
1132 | Tailoring Project Management Approaches: Lessons Learned by three Public Procurement Projects | Massimo Rebuglio | Filippo Maria Ottaviani | Timur Narbaev | Alberto De Marco | Antonio Carlin |
1134 | A Conceptual Model for Integrating Agile Practices into Systems Engineering Management | Ottaviani F.M. | Zenezini G. | Rebuglio M. | Narbaev T. | De Marco A. |
1196 | Materials management and cost reporting in “engineer to order” environments: a comprehensive review of research trends and practices | De Simone Valentina | Franco Benedetta | Caterino Mario | Riemma Stefano | Iannone Raffaele |
1249 | Heat stress assessment in severe hot work environments: integration of recovery time into the PHS index calculator. | Alice Caporale | Cristina Mora | Valentina Ventura | Riccardo Siena | Emilio Ferrari |
Chairman: Prof. Filippo De Carlo
Paper ID | Title | Authors |
1126 | Lean implementation framework in luxury-fashion industry: a systematic literature review | Alessia Bilancia | Federica Costa | Alberto Portioli Staudacher |
1127 | Unravelling sustainability in the textile industry: A literature and case study analysis on Industrial Symbiosis initiatives | Beatrice Colombo | Gianmarco Bressanelli | Nicola Saccani | Paolo Gaiardelli |
1143 | Fashion waste management: a sustainability Maturity Model | Spadafora L. | Centonze L. | Fantozzi I.C. | Schiraldi M.M. |
1194 | Production planning in luxury textile industry: a conceptual model for multi-stage multi-site scheduling order | Andrea Rossia | Lorenzo Tiacci | Matteo Simonetti |
1213 | From plate to fabrics: harnessing food loss and waste for fashion and design applications | S. Micheletti | F. Chiriacò | G. Burini | M. Pero | F. Ciccullo |
Chairman: Prof. Antonio Padovano
Chairman: Prof. Natalia Trapani
Chairman: Prof. Manuela La Fata
Chairman: Prof. Eleonora Bottani
Paper ID | Title | Authors |
1149 | Product-centric or product-service design? Design for sustainability strategies in the manufacturing field | Veronica Arioli | Mattia Galimberti | Roberto Sala | Chiara Cimini | Fabiana Pirola | Giuditta Pezzotta |
1154 | A machine learning model predicting supplier delivery delays under partial shipments conditions: a case study in the automotive sector | Lorenzo Civolani | Matteo Gabellini | Alberto Regattieri | Francesca Calabrese | Michele Ronchi |
1156 | A Business Intelligence based scorecards for supply chain performance analysis | Marialuisa Menanno | Antonio Bruno | Carlo Riccio | Angelo Caravella | Matteo Mario Savino |
1212 | Modelling of disruption mitigation in supply chains | Bocchetta G.| Caputo A.C. | Donati L. | Salini P. |
1225 | Bridging the gap between Supply Chain Control Tower providers and researchers | Nicolò Trifone | Martina Baglio | Fabrizio Dallari |
Chairman: Prof. Simone Arena
Chairman: Prof. Andrea Grassi
Chairman: Prof. Gianpaolo Di Bona
Paper ID | Title | Authors |
1115 | Assessing rebound effects in circular economy: insights from the automotive industry | Mariantonietta Ferrante | Micaela Vitti | Giorgio Mossa | Claudio Sassanelli |
1129 | Waste Not, Want Not: Understanding the impact of food characteristics on Circular Economy practices in the Italian Retail sector | Stella Viscardi | Claudia Colicchia |
1164 | Enhancing electronics materials recovery through effective design practices: review on recent applications | Laila El Warraqi | Paolo Rosa | Sergio Terzi |
1203 | From Linear to Circular: Proposing a Model for Textile Supply Chain Transition | Castellano D. | Mercogliano N. | Moroni F. | Viola A. | Romagnoli G. |
1228 | Exploring Second-Hand Dynamics in Personal Luxury Goods | Gianluca Tedaldi | Alessandro Brun |
Chairman: Prof. Salvatore Digiesi
Chairman: Prof. Alessandro Silvestri